Digital Signal Processing and the Microcontroller

DSP Links  / Errata / Cartoons
Table of Contents / Cast 'o Characters
Sample Chapter (PDF) / Contents of CDROM / About the Authors
Reviews / Feedback / Prentice Hall Listing
M68HC16 Boards and Software
The Lost 'Toon! / How to learn DSP
Book cover, Digital Signal Processing and the Microcontroller
Digital Signal Processing and the Microcontroller
by Dale Grover and John R. (Jack) Deller
with illustrations by Jonathan Roth
544 pages.  Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM
Prentice Hall, 1999 (published 1998)
ISBN: 0-13-081248-6
(Note--as of early 2005, it appears PTR is shipping a paperback edition with no CDROM.  See the link below for the contents of the CDROM.)


This book was written for folks who want to understand--and use--DSP in a friendly, informal setting, without all of the calculus and theorem-proving of traditional DSP texts.  You will learn practical DSP techniques (like digital filters and the FFT) and how to implement these on real hardware, including microcontrollers for embedded systems.  You can easily use this information in higher level languages like C or on other hardware, including DSP evaluation boards from Motorola, TI, Analog Devices, etc., since for the most part the algorithms are very simple--it's the coefficients that seem so mysterious.
More than 80% of the book is about DSP in general, and about 20% on how DSP can be efficiently implemented on a modern microcontroller.  The Motorola MC68HC16 microcontroller is used as an example. (This is a 16-bit microcontroller with additional DSP-specific features.) The included CDROM contains source for all of the assembly language examples, plus extensive documentation from Motorola on the MC68HC16, MATLAB files for many of the figures and examples in the book, and data files for trying out DSP.

Contents -- Table of contents.
Cartoons -- A sampling of the cartoons that appear in the book.
Lost 'Toon -- Cartoon illustration #1, which was accidently omitted from the book.
DSP Links -- Some links you might find useful, including magazines, online software, etc.
M68HC16 Boards and Software -- Information about Motorola evaluation boards and software.
Errata -- Typos and errors in the book.
Cast 'o Characters -- A table of symbols used in the book. The actual table is in PDF format (i.e., requires the free Acrobat reader).
Sample Chapter (PDF) -- A link to a sample chapter (Chapter 4?), in PDF format.
Contents of CDROM -- Brief description of the types of files included on the CDROM.   Now has link to book-specific CDROM contents.
Authors -- About the authors.
Reviews -- Reviews of the book.
Feedback -- How to send us feedback about the book.
Prentice Hall Listing -- Prentice Hall's listing for the book.
How to learn DSP -- Books are just part of learning DSP.  This page discusses other elements, such as useful DSP and math software, hardware, and formal courses.  It also mentions some other books, both introductory and advanced.

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